Who is David Castro?
Intelligent. Kind. Hardworking. David was 17 years old when he was killed in a road shooting following a Houston Astros game on July 6, 2021. He was about to start his senior year at Westside High School where he was looking forward to leading the percussion section of the band and working as Vice President of the Westside Engineering and Geosciences Academy.
He left a legacy of kindness and service. His ready willingness to lend a helping hand has now inspired so many others to pick up where he left off by performing random acts of kindness in their communities.
About #RAKDavid
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
#RAKDavid is a movement for kindness in our world today. In the wake of David Castro's violent death, these random acts of kindness are a way to keep his light in the world. You can get involved by doing a random act of kindness and posting about it on social media.

Contact #RAKDavid
Let us know about how #RAKDavid has impacted your life
Tell us about random acts of kindness you've done or seen
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