David X. Castro Memorial Fund
More about the Fund
After David's death, we set up a GoFundMe through Carson's Village to help take care of unexpected expenses. We are so thankful for the tremendous amount of financial support we received.
We placed the money in a separate account from any of the family's personal bank accounts. We used most of the funds to take care of funeral, medical, and counseling expenses.
We also are using the funds to contribute to David's legacy. We have outlined those expenses here:
This website (www.rakdavid.org)
Improvements to the area around David's tree at Westside High School
#RAKDavid Kindness Scholarships at Westside High School (Learn More)
If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Interested in Contributing?
At this time we are working on getting David's Venmo QR code. In the meantime, feel free to use David's Venmo Account that goes directly to the #RAKDavid Kindness Scholarship Fund at https://account.venmo.com/u/davidxcastro
Contact #RAKDavid
Let us know about how #RAKDavid has impacted your life
Tell us about random acts of kindness you've done or seen
Submit memorials or photos